Brain Dump

We need to focus more on enjoying life, regardless of what we are tasked with each moment of every day. In fact, I had a mission during a two week break to do just that. But my OCD organizing brain kept telling me I was failing. Seriously. I know I needed downtime, but unless I actually wrote it down, then it never felt legit.

So with a few days left of my 'break' I recalled the goals prune and purge download I created that was inspired by Marie Forleo's video, "The simple goal setting practice to achieve more with less stress."

I loved the structure of space to download what was in my head. First of all so I could clear up my brain space, as well as to get real about what I could accomplish.

After spending a day participating in a design thinking program, I was re-introduced to the process of brainstorming so I found combining the goal setting with creative brainstorming makes for a functional worksheet you can use for anything.

You can download it now, or follow the following steps in a notebook or random piece of paper.

Step 1: Brain Dump

It can help to label a few columns into categories like personal, work, fun, etc. This way it helps the brainstorming process as well as a way to easily organize your thoughts as they flush out. This step has NO FILTER. Avoid judging anything you have on your mind.

Step 2: Prune

After downloading everything, read through your list in step 1 and use some kind of tagging process to highlight what has the most impact, highest feasibility, and even brings the most joy. Then go through and choose two to three items from each category. 

Step 3: Make it Happen

Looking at your lists in step 2, choose one from each category to focus on first, and below add in tasks/milestones you need to do to make the idea happen. Any notes about what you need to make it happen as well. Then give a due date for the goal/project, and schedule in dates for the milestones below to make it happen. Please note, going this far isn't required, but at the minimum it helps you to narrow down where your focus is best served.

Download my version of the worksheet below. Please feel free to use and share as much as you want. 


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