Winning at Wrong
“ doesn’t matter whose fault it is that something is broken if it’s your responsibility to fix it. Taking responsibility is taking your power back.”
Not sure what it is about admitting failure that is so hard. The social pressure for perfection perhaps, or we assign too much of our own value on particular views or understandings that admitting failings diminishes our own worth.
2021 was a whirlwind of chaos. For those who know, yeah, my work on the Jyoti Gondek for Mayor campaign was part of the reason she became our first sitting woman mayor. That was a pretty big thing and why I dropped some balls.
Working on a political campaign was a new life lesson for me. Still, between an amazing team of volunteers, a candidate I would walk through coals for, and a campaign manager whose insight and leadership skills pushed my comfort zone so far out of my box, is why I feel blessed, even though I was roughed up in the process.
I also made mistakes. Some enlightening, and others, well, I kept making them because, in retrospect, my own motivations didn't align with walking on eggshells day in and day out.
What do I KNOW about myself?
I am transparent. And I will never apologize for it. So, needless to say, a future in politics as a candidate is not the right fit for me. Playing in an arena where your views and choices are constantly under fire where there is a need to keep some things close to your chest, is SO NOT me.
I am a leader. I love working with others and helping them to be their best selves. As the director of the communications team on the campaign, I got to flex my leadership skills, and damn if I wasn't good at it! I realized this skill that I what I have been providing my clients these past years. I offer services that include me as a partner in their design and marketing ventures. That means I don't take advice blindly, be a cog in a machine, or have to ask for approval for every action.
I am a good designer. No really. I can say that about myself now with a lot more confidence. And the best part is using my power for good.
So, what good in the world can we accomplish together?