Privacy Policy

Updated as of October 25, 2020

  • What data is collected. The types of data collected on this site are names, home addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, credit card information that is processed through Stripe and PayPal, and IP addresses. Squarespace is our analytics provider, Stripe and PayPal are our payment processor who may be collecting information when you make a purchase. 

  • How your data is being collected. Through online forms used to enter email details for newsletters and credit card data for purchases. Data collection using cookies through Squarespace hosting is detailed here

  • What is done with your data. The data collected is used as stated, you will be added to an email newsletter list based on your preferences you choose. Any purchase orders will be kept and only used for company financial reporting.

  • How customers can control their data. You have the ability to edit your subscription preferences for mailing lists in the footer of the emails sent to you. If you need help you can always email crystal anytime with your request and she will be happy to edit your subscription for you.

  • How we protect your data. Crystal is the only person who has access to data collected on the website. When it comes to Stripe or PayPal, the data protection aligns with their own policies.